Michael Ng will cover how to get the best out of your camera and help you to improve your photography skills. He is a professional fashion and architectural photographer for more than 20 years, and a hunter.*
It is suitable for beginners to intermediate photographers.
The presentation will explain what the main controls are for and how set up your camera, which camera shooting mode to use, the best autofocus mode, what metering modes do, selecting which aperture to use, what shutter speed to use, what the iso setting does, automatic iso, image stabilisation.
"I also cover what lens is best suited for taking close up photos of floral and insects, landscape lens selection and which type of lens would be best suited for birds and game animals."
Space is limited - $20.00 for members only and you must register and pay via our website.
*You'll see some examples of Mike's photography on the National Deerstalkers website: http://www.deertalkers.org.nz
Our Branch
7 Target Street, Point Chevalier,Auckland 1022
We meet every second Tuesday of the month.
The Auckland branch of New Zealand Deerstalkers' exists to promote safe and enjoyable hunting the sport of shooting and related activities.
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