An introduction to Reloading...

If you are looking to get into reloading your own ammo and don't know where to start or you have just starting out on your reloading journey and not getting the results you are seeking, then this Reloading 101 workshop will be a good place to start.
Satish has only been reloading for a couple of years, though has reloaded 1000's of round across a number of calibers. Satish has made plenty of mistakes that he has learnt from. On the other hand, Steve has been reloading for over 20 years across calibers that span more than 100 years, from .22 all the way up to .577
We will cover off the essential equipment and components required, as well as the various techniques in each step of the reloading process from brass preparation to reloading a live round. On the night we will have a live demonstration of each step.
Space is limited- $20.00 for members only and you must register and pay via our website prior to the event.
If you have any questions please email: Satish on or Steve on