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Workshop: Douglas Score Intro & Refresher Training

  • 17/05/2023
  • 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM (NZST)
  • 7 Target St, Pt Chev
  • 28


Registration is closed

We have our AKL branch Measure night coming up on 9th June and our Premeasure two weeks beforehand on Fri 26th May, these are the evenings where our club members hard earned Trophies for the year are measured up ready for entry into our club competitions and if of a high standard entered into the national competition.

 The Pre-measure night was established to help ease the workload on the measure night as some years an impressive number of heads are shot by our members, and they all need scoring.  Most years our club qualified scorers dust off their scoring kit and in many cases, not having measured much since the last year are a bit rusty.

So this year we are having a Douglas Scoring refresher night where our club measurers can have a practice and get up to speed, we will have Brian Witton, our AKL branch patron and North AKL's Mark Nobilo on hand, both very senior Douglas Scorers who have a wealth of knowledge to tap into, as well as a couple of our branch National Judge / Tutors to answer any questions.  

We also encourage any members who have an interest in learning to measure heads using the Douglas Score to come along and join in,  it's not difficult - the biggest issue for most is measuring in inches, but Mark Nobilo has an info sheet that will help the metric generation with this. A great way to learn is to be teamed up with two or three measurers and work through a few heads with the handbook to refer to, in fact we are looking for members to do just this at our measure nights.

If you have an old deer head shot by Grandad, or a non members head that needs scoring, this is the night to bring it along and help run a tape over it! A great night to participate in a club activity, as are the Measure nights.

See you on the 17th.

Brent. - AKL branch AHT Convener.

Any questions, please email Brent: 

Our Branch

7 Target Street, Point Chevalier,
Auckland 1022


We meet every second Tuesday of the month.


Auckland Branch of the NZDA

The Auckland branch of New Zealand Deerstalkers'
exists to promote safe and enjoyable hunting
the sport of shooting and related activities.

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