Annual General Meeting
& August club night
It's that time of the year again, with our Annual General Meeting being held in conjunction with our August Club Night.
A Notice of the AGM with relevant documentation will be sent out to all members by Monday 26th of July. Deadline for NOMS or remit submissions was on Tuesday 13th July.
We will be going through our club night as usual, then moving into AGM proceedings, and to finish this off we will be awarding our main prize event of the year...
Guest Speaker:

Gwyn Thurlow is from Wellington and joined NZDA as CEO and General Counsel (in-house lawyer) in June 2020.
Gwyn has taken on the role to transform NZDA into a modern and professional organisation. He has been a long time member of NZDA where he is the treasurer of Wellington Branch and volunteers on the NZDA National Heritage Trust as secretary.
Gwyn is a keen alpine hunter and particularly enjoys hunting tahr and chamois.
Rifle giveaway
Members, make sure you are in attendance on the night to be in with a chance to win! If your name is drawn, you must be in attendance and present a valid NZ Firearms License to accept this award - so make sure you are present with your license to be in to win!
We kindly thank this years out going committee whom have worked tirelessly this past year to make the N.Z.D.A Auckland branch so great, and look forward to welcoming in the new committee for the year ahead.
Notes to Guests, or guests of members: Our club nights are open to the public, this is a great opportunity to experience the club and see if you want to be part of the Auckland Deerstalkers community.
Please come along and introduce yourself to one of the clubs committee on the night as this is part of the application process.
If you know anyone who has a good yarn or would make for an interesting guest speaker please contact the committee at our email address