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WORKSHOP - Rifle Selection, Maintenance and Setup

  • 27/11/2019
  • 7:30 PM - 10:00 PM (NZDT)
  • NZDA Auckland Branch Club Rooms - 7 Target St, Pt Chev

NZDA Auckland will be hosting a Workshop on Wednesday 27th November focusing on Rifles - covering selection, maintenance and setup. This will very generously be run by our Range Convener Arthur Winterton and a few Range Officers.

This event is aimed at those newer hunters, or even those more experienced guys looking to make sure they are maintaining their own rifles as well as they should be.

Arthur will be covering Rifle selection, Rifle maintenance and cleaning, as well as Rifle setup in terms of scope mounting and sighting in.

Note: NO firearms are to be brought to the club rooms for this workshop - Arthur will be giving a demonstration using provided firearms in a controlled and safe manner - please do not bring your own firearm along, leave that to your next range visit.

Our Branch

7 Target Street, Point Chevalier,
Auckland 1022


We meet every second Tuesday of the month.


Auckland Branch of the NZDA

The Auckland branch of New Zealand Deerstalkers'
exists to promote safe and enjoyable hunting
the sport of shooting and related activities.

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