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April Club Night - With Guest Speaker Pete Breidahl

  • 09/04/2019
  • 7:00 PM - 10:00 PM (NZST)
  • 7 Target St, Point Chevalier, Auckland 1022


Registration is closed

We are in full swing with the roar and duck shooting around the corner. So come along and catch up with fellow members, grab a beer and plan that next hunt. 

"Inspired by Indiana Jones, Pete is a relic of time long since past and has more in common with those born 100 years before him, than bearded hipster hunter internet hero’s of the 21st century. In the last 22 years he’s hunted, fished, fought and had adventures in 75+ countries while working as a hunting guide, soldier, contractor and designated defensive marksman. Last year saw him visit 13 countries and included things such as deer poaching in Timor Leste with the SWAT teams to feed unpaid starving police; to eating tarantula in Cambodia and drinking beer from a human scull, not to mention filming a doco hunting for Bigfoot in the jungles of Guadalcanal. As comfortable in the saddle as on his own two legs he’s also ridden into the wilds of Mongolia, Russia, Georgia and even through the killing fields of south east Asia. Most adventures also involve far to much beer or vodka....

There are literally only a handful of people on earth with as much experience crammed into 40 years, making pete an opinionated shit talker always keen for a laugh, beer or story. He speaks 5 languages, has written a few books on his adventures as well as writing for magazines and has briefly settled in NZ while waiting for visas for the adventure. As a result he’s here breaking horses for 6 time NZ champion stable “Te Akau” just south of Auckland and will be stopping by to talk hunting, marksmanship and dispelling myths about what you “really” need to succeed as a hunter. He will be bringing in some treasures collected the world over and is happy to consider swapping books or other items for vodka. Pete can be summed up simply by his mantra.

“I hope for nothing, I fear nothing, and I am free”

Please be warned Pete is well known for his very dark humor and dislike of hipsters. His language can also be a bit confronting... but he’s promised to be on his best behavior. The third world presents itself VERY differently to NZ, and the events Pete often speaks of are sometimes a little confronting.

Pete Breidahl"

We are in the process of finalizing the guest speakers for this year. So if you know anyone who has a good yarn please contact the committee at our email address

Our Branch

7 Target Street, Point Chevalier,
Auckland 1022


We meet every second Tuesday of the month.


Auckland Branch of the NZDA

The Auckland branch of New Zealand Deerstalkers'
exists to promote safe and enjoyable hunting
the sport of shooting and related activities.

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